Description | | Author |
This package can show a report of PHP configuration information.
It provides several classes that retrieve information of configuration of resources that can be used by PHP on the server side.
The class can compose a report and display it on a Web page
Currently the classes provide information about:
- Database support like MySQL configuration variables and speed of insertion and selection of records
- File system support like disk space and access permissions, speed of creating files
- Resources needed for high load applications like available memory, accessing shared memory, sending large email messages, upload large files
- HTTP connection related resources like get the server IP address, HTTP comnnection protocol, HTTP authentication, session support
- Server platform information like installed applications such as Wordpress, Drupal, etc., other programming languages
- Servers ISP information like network, country, city, geographic coordinates
- PHP server configuration like PHP version, cache extensions, available extensions Innovation Award
 May 2015
Number 5
Prize: PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license |
Monitoring the resources of a server, like CPU, file system, databases, etc., it is an useful task that allows you to see if there are issues that need to be fixed.
This package not only can monitor whether resources are working as expected, but can can also check the performance of different server aspects to evaluate if the server is under excessive load.
For instance it can evaluate the performance of database accesses, sending large emails, handling large file uploads, etc..
Interesting PHP package that can show a report of available resources on a PHP environment and some performance details.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 4x |

Benchmark Tools
This package can show a report of PHP configuration information.
It provides several classes that retrieve information of configuration of resources that can be used by PHP on the server side.
The class can compose a report and display it on a Web page
Currently the classes provide information about:
* Database
support like MySQL configuration variables and speed of insertion and selection of records
* File system
support like disk space and access permissions, speed of creating files
* Resources needed for high load
applications like available memory, accessing shared memory, sending large email messages, upload large files
connection related resources like get the server IP address, HTTP comnnection protocol, HTTP authentication, session support
* Server platform
information like installed applications such as Wordpress, Drupal, etc., other programming languages
* Servers ISP
information like network, country, city, geographic coordinates
* PHP server
configuration like PHP version, cache extensions, available extensions
Example of use can be found in the file example.php.
- PHP version 5.3 or higher.
1) Install composer
2) Follow in the project folder:
composer require dmamontov/benchmark-tools ~1.0.3
In config composer.json
your project will be added to the library dmamontov/benchmark-tools
, who settled in the folder vendor/
. In the absence of a config file or folder with vendors they will be created.
If before your project is not used composer
, connect the startup file vendors. To do this, enter the code in the project:
require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';