Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2024-06-28 (4 hours ago)  | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: Not yet counted | | Not yet ranked |
Description | | Author |
This class can get the combinations and permutations of a set of values.
It can take an array of numbers and calculate the combinations and the permutations between the numbers in the array.
The class returns an array with the resulting combinations and permutations. | |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 15x
Winner: 1x |
require_once 'Combinatorics.php';
$combinatorics = new Math_Combinatorics;
$set = range(0, 9);
$asc_num = 97;
while ($asc_num<= 122) {
# code...
array_push($set, chr($asc_num));
echo $combinations = $combinatorics->combinations($set, 16);
//$permutations = $combinatorics->permutations($set, 16);
This project is appropriate for someone who want to know about the combinations and permumentations.
If you use Math_Combinatorics, it will happen an error that show memories' limit.In order to solving problem,I tried to
changing source code.I use file_put_content function that stroe strings when generating a new possible string right away.
I also free the variable's memory which assigned the possible string so that it will not happen memories' error.
It's only have to use PHP command line.
It depends on this package: Math_Combinatorics
Applications that use this package |
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