<p align="center">

<p>This PHP package allows you to get the information related to an <abbr title="Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers">IEEE</abbr> <abbr title="Organizationally Unique Identifier">OUI</abbr> assignment from a Laravel application.</p>
<p>The <strong>mac-vendor-lookup</strong> package downloads the OUI mapping information in <abbr title="Comma Separated Values">CSV</abbr> format from the IEEE website. Then it processes the CSV files and later stores the OUI assignment details in tables in the database.</p>
You can install the package via composer:
composer require acamposm/mac-vendor-lookup
Then publish the assets with this command:
php artisan mac:install
After publishing the assets (config & migrations), run artisan migrate
php artisan migrate
Get MAC Address details
You can use "php artisan mac: details <mac-address>" in the console to get the vendor details as well as the OUI assignment details.
php artisan mac:details <mac-address>
php artisan mac:details 00-15-5D-81-E0-B0
Vendor details
------------- ---------------------------------------------
OUI 00155D
MAC Address 00-15-5D-81-E0-B0
Vendor Microsoft Corporation
Address One Microsoft Way Redmond WA US 98052-8300
Is Private false
------------- ---------------------------------------------
Block details
------------------- -------------------
Registry MA-L
Assignment bits 2^24
Block Size 16,777,216
Lower MAC Address 00:15:5D:00:00:00
Upper MAC Address 00:15:5D:FF:FF:FF
Last Update Unknown
------------------- -------------------
MAC Address details
--------------------- ----------------------------------------
MAC Address 00-15-5D-81-E0-B0
Administration byte UAA (Universally Administered Address)
Group byte Individual address
Virtual Machine true
Is Multicast false
Is Unicast false
Is Valid true
--------------------- ----------------------------------------
Get vendor details
You can use "php artisan mac:vendor <mac-address>" in the console to get the vendor details associated with the OUI assignment.
php artisan mac:vendor <mac-address>
php artisan mac:vendor 00-15-5D-81-E0-B0
------------- -----------------------
OUI 00155D
MAC Address 00-15-5D-81-E0-B0
Vendor Microsoft Corporation
Registry MA-L
------------- -----------------------
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Thank you for considering contributing to the improvement of the package. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Security Vulnerabilities
If you discover any security related issues, please send an e-mail to Angel Campos via instead of using the issue tracker. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The package Ping is open-source package and is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.