Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2019-10-09 (Yesterday)  | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 3 This week: 3 | | All time: 9,730 This week: 99 |
Description | | Author |
This class can encode message inside an image with steganography.
It can take the path of a given image file and loads it, so it can encode a given text message and store it inside the image in a way that is not easy to notice by real people. The resulting image can be saved to a new file.
The class can also read a given image file with a message stored previously in it and returns the decode message. | |

Steganography is the art of hiding information in plain image. This project is PHP implementation of this idea and you can hide / fetch plain text from image in bmp or png format.
- PHP >= 7.1
- A GD extension
- (optional) PHPUnit to run tests.
Via Composer:
$ composer require ravjanisz/imagecrypt
// add instance
use Rav\ImageCrypt\ImageCrypt;
// pass directory and filename
$crypt = new ImageCrypt(__DIR__ . '/files', 'glass.png');
//prepare string to crypt in image
$string = 'ImageCrypt';
//crypt string and save to new file
$crypt->crypt($string, 'glassSaved.png');
//decrypt from file
$decrypt = new ImageCrypt(__DIR__ . '/files', 'glassSaved.png');
//get decrypted message or get exception
$string = $decrypt->decrypt();
echo $string;
imagecrypt is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Applications that use this package |
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