Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2017-02-04 (3 months ago)  | | Not enough user ratings | | Total: 65 This week: 1 | | All time: 8,790 This week: 767 |
Description | | Author |
This package is a library of general purpose PHP classes.
It provides several classes for common purposes of PHP applications. Currently it provides classes for:
- Accessing database using MySQLi
- Create and verify hashes os passwords using bcrypt
- Creating the slug text of a URL by replacing characters of a given string
- Utility functions for dealing with geographic coordinates and validate or converting strings of several types of formats | |

RTphp is a small PHP library consists multiple PHP classes.
Directory structure
core/src php classes source code
core/test tested / example / demo code
core/load.php php function to require all php classes
docs/ documentation generated by ApiGen
Installation for single class example
require_once './RTphp/src/RTmysqli.php';
$obj = new RTdev\RTphp\RTmysqli();
Installation for all class example
require_once './RTphp/load.php';
use RTdev\RTphp as RTphp;
$RTdb = new RTphp\RTmysqli();
$RTpw = new RTphp\RTpassword();
$RTsf = new RTphp\RTslugify();
$RTutil = new RTphp\RTutil();
Classes list
- RTmysqli
- RTpassword
- RTslugify
- RTutil
<a><img src="" width="99" align="right"/></a>
Applications that use this package |
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