Carlos Rosão - 2008-11-21 10:15:47
Following my investigation to find a solution for the problems discussed in the thread "smtp_message class error" I found out (using this tool: www.mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx) that my IP appears in a few international Email Blacklists.
I suspected because of the error:
S 550-"JunkMail rejected - bl7-47-118.dsl.telepac.pt (localhost) []
Because I only send emails with the smtp_message class, is it possible that this is due to the server considering my emails as spam because I am not choosing the headers correctly in the smtp_message class?
If so, how should I choose the headers to avoid this?
No, I don't use this class to send spam nor mass email, I just use it to send simple email messages (no more than 10-20 each day) using my company's mail server.
Thanks again for your help.