BANJAC - 2008-04-24 09:39:52 -
In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Thanks Manuel.
I'm taking the chance of this reply to congrat you for all of this wonderfull work you did and you have shared to the communauty. Thanks very much for that.
To conlude this post, I wanted to be sure to have well understood. How does Gmail or Yahoo, to retrieve the thread of a discussion and present it in a logicla way in their email interface. I guess they use a custom parameter that they retrieve if the email is back (as fowarded or replied).
What advice would you give us to permit a tracking of our email sent with your class: use the Reference header, X-perso header, or else strategy ?
It seems that most of our customs headers disapear in case of fowarding. A new Email header is set by the server. Shoud we have to do something to say the server to keep this information?
Hoping you could help. Thanks again anyway.
Best regards