
>UserAgent Class Analayse client user agent string by default, or a given user agent string and gives you very helpfull information about user system and browser.
>This Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

>@author __Ahmed Saad__ <> 2013-2016
> 2.0.0
> 31 Jul 2016
Get System and Browser Information about your Visitor as the following:
1. Smart Phones
Mobile Detecting.
2. System Archetecture ( 32bit Or 64bit ).
3. CPU Brand Detecting ( `Intel`, `AMD`, `PPC` ).
4. Platform Detecting for Desktop OS and Smart Phone OS .
5. Optimization : Client UserAgent Only Processed Once
6. Read Only Access Properties .
> UserAgent Class Uses namespace, and autoload will automatically load class when called.
>> include or require user_agent.php* file
>> <?php
>> require_once('core/user_agent.php');
>> use Core\UserAgent;
>> $instance = new UserAgent();
>> just require or include Suppliedautoload.php* file which will load any class
>> <?php
>> require_once('core/autoload.php');
>> use Core\UserAgent;
>> $instance = new UserAgent();
$instance = new UserAgent() :
> // Current Client Systen
$instance = new UserAgent();
> // Custom UserAgent String
$instance = new UserAgent( 'custom user agent string here' );
$instance->string :
> __String__ useragent string .
$instance->systemString :
> __String__ system string .
$instance->browserName :
> __String__ Browser Name __Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, Android Browser__ .
$instance->browserVersion :
> __String__ Browser Version .
$instance->osPlatform :
> __String__ OS Platform Name .
$instance->osVersion :
> __String__ OS Version .
$instance->osShortVersion :
> __String__ OS Short Version .
$instance->osArch :
> __String__ OS bit Architecture __32 OR 64__ .
$instance->isIntel :
> __Boolean__ Detect if System CPU is Intel .
$instance->isAMD :
> __Boolean__ Detect if System CPU is AMD .
$instance->isPPC :
> __Boolean__ Detect if System CPU is PowerPC .
$instance->isMobile :
> __Boolean__ Detect if client device is Mobile Phone Or Tablet .
$instance->mobileName :
> __String__ Mobile Device Name .