# Collections
Collections Abstraction library for PHP
The Collection library is one of the most useful things that many modern languages has, but for some reason PHP doesn't has a built in collection layer.
For that reason we created Collections, an incredible library that gathers the best of .NET's and Java's collections patterns and
unify it with PHP array power.
Take a look and see what we're talking about!!
## Install
``` json
"require": {
"easyframework/collections": "~4.0"
## Usage
### The Collection Class
The Collection represents the List in .NET language or simply non-associative arrays in php:
$collection = new Collections\ArrayList();
echo $item;
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/LellysInformatica/collections/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
## Credits
- [italolelis](https://github.com/italolelis)
- [philipe](https://github.com/philipe)
- [AyrtonRicardo](https://github.com/AyrtonRicardo)
- [All Contributors](https://github.com/LellysInformatica/collections/contributors)
## License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](https://github.com/LellysInformatica/collections/blob/master/LICENSE) for more information.
### Documentation
More information can be found in the online documentation at