DownloadWorking Home Schedule

Download `composer` firstly:
curl -sS | php
Install `lee/work-home-schedule` secondly:
php composer.phar require lee/work-home-schedule:^1
This is about working home schedule to estimate current working status on specific date.
It's based on following scenario for A/B team work:
A team work from office today, and B team will work from home today.
A team work from home tomorrow, and B team will work from office tomorrow.
And so on.
This situation will skip on country holiday and weekend.
This class depends on Carbon::mixin method.
The code snippets are as follows:
Set `startDateStatus` about working from home or office.
Set `csvPath` about specific CSV file path.
Set `csvHead` about whether CSV file path has head.
Loading calendar data, the calendar CSV format is available here.
We assume that the 2020-04-06 is start date and working statuses are as follows:
The start date status is `office`.
Get next working date about code snippets are as follows:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Lee\WorkHomeSchedule;
$filePath = __DIR__ . '/tests/fixtures/2020_calendar.csv';
$workingHomeSchedule = new WorkHomeSchedule();
$workingHomeSchedule->startDateStatus = 'office'; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvPath = $filePath; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvHead = true; // The default value is true
$workingHomeSchedule = $workingHomeSchedule->loadCalendarData($filePath);
$currentDate = Carbon::create('2020-04-06');
$nextWorkingDate = $currentDate->nextWorkingDate();
$carbonDate = $nextWorkingDate['date']; // Carbon::class instance
$carbonDateString = (string)$nextWorkingDate['date']; // 2020-04-07 00:00:00
$workingStatus = $nextWorkingDate['status']; // home
Get previous working date about code snippets are as follows:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Lee\WorkHomeSchedule;
$filePath = __DIR__ . '/tests/fixtures/2020_calendar.csv';
$workingHomeSchedule = new WorkHomeSchedule();
$workingHomeSchedule->startDateStatus = 'office'; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvPath = $filePath; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvHead = true; // The default value is true
$workingHomeSchedule = $workingHomeSchedule->loadCalendarData($filePath);
$currentDate = Carbon::create('2020-04-06');
$previousWorkingDate = $currentDate->previousWorkingDate();
$carbonDate = $previousWorkingDate['date']; // Carbon::class instance
$carbonDateString = (string)$previousWorkingDate['date']; // 2020-04-01 00:00:00
$workingStatus = $previousWorkingDate['status']; // home
Get next working dates with specific date ranges about code snippets are as follows:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Lee\WorkHomeSchedule;
$filePath = __DIR__ . '/tests/fixtures/2020_calendar.csv';
$workingHomeSchedule = new WorkHomeSchedule();
$workingHomeSchedule->startDateStatus = 'office'; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvPath = $filePath; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvHead = true; // The default value is true
$workingHomeSchedule->workingDays = 2; // The default value is 1
$workingHomeSchedule = $workingHomeSchedule->loadCalendarData($filePath);
$currentDate = Carbon::create('2020-04-06');
$nextWorkingDates = $currentDate->nextWorkingDates(); // The array length is 2
$nextWorkingDates[0]['date'] // Carbon::class instance
(string)$nextWorkingDates[0]['date'] // 2020-04-07 00:00:00
$nextWorkingDates[0]['status'] // home
$nextWorkingDates[1]['date'] // Carbon::class instance
(string)$nextWorkingDates[1]['date'] // 2020-04-08 00:00:00
$nextWorkingDates[1]['status'] // office
Get previous working dates with date ranges about code snippets are as follows:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Lee\WorkHomeSchedule;
$filePath = __DIR__ . '/tests/fixtures/2020_calendar.csv';
$workingHomeSchedule = new WorkHomeSchedule();
$workingHomeSchedule->startDateStatus = 'office'; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvPath = $filePath; // The default value is empty string
$workingHomeSchedule->csvHead = true; // The default value is true
$workingHomeSchedule->workingDays = 2; // The default value is 1
$workingHomeSchedule = $workingHomeSchedule->loadCalendarData($filePath);
$currentDate = Carbon::create('2020-04-06');
$previousWorkingDates = $currentDate->previousWorkingDates(); // array length is 2
$previousWorkingDates[0]['date'] // Carbon::class instance
(string)$previousWorkingDates[0]['date'] // 2020-04-01 00:00:00
$previousWorkingDates[0]['status'] // home
$previousWorkingDates[1]['date'] // Carbon::class instance
(string)$previousWorkingDates[1]['date'] // 2020-03-31 00:00:00
$previousWorkingDates[1]['status'] // office