A class to render BBCode string and convert to HTML string.

Demo Version
Visit following link and check demo in forum.
First include the BBCode2HTML.php class in your file, and use the class as following to generate the HTML for the BBCode expressions:
$pist = <<<EOD
[li c="blue"]Main[/li]
[li]Heading 1[/li]
[li]item 1[/li]
[li]item 2
[ul][li][a ref='']link 1[/a][/li]
[li][a ref='']link 2[/a] [/li]
[li]item 3[/li]
$bb2html = new BBCode2HTML();
echo $bb2html->parse($post);
Algorythm is very simple.
String is recursively tokenized using `preg_match` into array of matches,
Matches types are tag, attributes and inner-html.
Tag ommitting can be detected.
Data base classes are formed for each tags.
Tags data are then converted to html while filtering allowed tags and allowed attributes.
Value names of attributes are converted through short-cut name list.
`allowattr` flag control to allow native attributes of html.
## Contact
Contact me for comercial use via mail [email protected].