DownloadKint - debugging helper for PHP developers

What am I looking at?
At first glance Kint is just a pretty replacement for var_dump(), print_r() and debug_backtrace().
However, it's much, much more than that. You will eventually wonder how you developed without it.
One of the main goals of Kint is to be zero setup.
Download the file and simply <?php
require 'kint.phar';
Or, if you use Composer:
composer require kint-php/kint --dev
Kint::dump($GLOBALS, $_SERVER); // pass any number of parameters
d($GLOBALS, $_SERVER); // or simply use d() as a shorthand
Kint::trace(); // Debug backtrace
d(1); // Debug backtrace shorthand
s($GLOBALS); // Basic output mode
~d($GLOBALS); // Text only output mode
Kint::$enabled_mode = false; // Disable kint
d('Get off my lawn!'); // Debugs no longer have any effect
Tips & Tricks
Kint is enabled by default, set `Kint::$enabled_mode = false;` to turn it completely off.
The best practice is to enable Kint in a development environment only - so even if you accidentally leave a dump in production, no one will know.
See the buttons on the right of the output? Click them to open a new tab, show the access path for the value, or show a search box.
To see the output where you called Kint instead of the docked toolbar at the bottom of the page add the line `Kint\Renderer\RichRenderer::$folder = false;` right after you include Kint.
There are a couple of real-time modifiers you can use:
* `~d($var)` this call will output in plain text format.
* `+d($var)` will disregard depth level limits and output everything.
Careful, this can hang your browser on large objects!
* `!d($var)` will expand the output automatically.
* `-d($var)` will attempt to `ob_clean` the previous output and flush after printing.
* You can combine modifiers too: `~+d($var)`
Double clicking the <kbd>+</kbd> sign will open/close it and all its children.
Triple clicking the <kbd>+</kbd> sign in will open/close everything on the page.
Add heavy classes to the blacklist to improve performance:
`Kint\Parser\BlacklistPlugin::$shallow_blacklist[] = 'Psr\Container\ContainerInterface';`
To change display theme, use `Kint\Renderer\RichRenderer::$theme = 'theme.css';`. You can pass the absolute path to a CSS file, or use one of the built in themes:
* `original.css` (default)
* `solarized.css`
* `solarized-dark.css`
* `aante-light.css`
Kint has keyboard shortcuts! When Kint is visible, press <kbd>D</kbd> on the keyboard and you will be able to traverse the tree with arrows, <kbd>H</kbd><kbd>J</kbd><kbd>K</kbd><kbd>L</kbd>, and <kbd>TAB</kbd> keys - and expand/collapse nodes with <kbd>SPACE</kbd> or <kbd>ENTER</kbd>.
You can write plugins and wrapper functions to customize dump behavior!
Read the full documentation for more information
Jonathan Vollebregt (jnvsor)
Rokas ?leinius (raveren)
Licensed under the MIT License