Hi people! I want to continue the previous article in wich I have compared mezon/router with the klein router.
And in this article I shall compare mezon router with the Symfony routing class.
Benchmark for mezon/router
But now I have decided to change benchmark a little bit. Since now we shall take into consideration not only routing itself but also creation of the router object.
For example we shall benchmark not only this code:
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
But this one:
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
$routerTest1 = new \Mezon\Router\Router();
$routerTest1->addRoute('/static', function () {
return 'static';
}, 'GET');
Benchmark for klein/klein
The same changes will be made for klein benchmark:
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
$routerTest1 = new \Klein\Klein();
$routerTest1->respond('GET', '/static', function () {
return 'static';
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount2; $i ++) {
$routerTest2 = new \Klein\Klein();
$routerTest2->respond('GET', '/[i:id]', function () {
return 'param';
Benchmark for symfony routing
And now it is time to look at the symphony benchmark code:
$iterationCount1 = 10000;
$startTime1 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount1; $i ++) {
$static = new Route('/static', [
'controller' => function () {
return 'static';
$staticRoutes = new RouteCollection();
$staticRoutes->add('static', $static);
$staticContext = new RequestContext();
$staticMatcher = new UrlMatcher($staticRoutes, $staticContext);
$parameters = $staticMatcher->match('/static');
$endTime1 = microtime(true);
And for URLs with parameters:
$iterationCount2 = 10000;
$startTime2 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterationCount2; $i ++) {
$param = new Route('/{id}', [
'controller' => function () {
return 'param';
'id' => '[0-9]+'
$paramRoutes = new RouteCollection();
$paramRoutes->add('param', $param);
$paramContext = new RequestContext();
$paramMatcher = new UrlMatcher($paramRoutes, $paramContext);
$endTime2 = microtime(true);
And the results are (the bigger numbers means better):

As you can see - Mezon router is 7 to 15 times faster than Symfony router.
What is mezon/router?
mezon/router now is:
framework for routing with 100% code coverage
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