DownloadPHP AS(Auto Style), PHP Beautifier
A tool for format and beautify the style of PHP code with my style.
We waste our time to format the code.
So it will be a fantastic tool.
Anyway, I hope this tool can help you for format a PHP code easily and fast.
I developed this tool for myself, not for money, not for a special company.
Although it used in some software of a company in India.
Also it used as PHP snippet formate on
Main purpose
Remove extra space after "for", "while", "if" words...
Ident cleaning and auto tab for {} and statements...
Make clean the comment text
Left: Output, Right: Input

/Include Class/
include "PHPAS.php"
/Create Class Instance with default options/
$autoStyle = new AutoStyle();
/or with optional configuratoin/
$options = [
'identation' => ' ' // 4 spaces (default Tab)
$autoStyle = new AutoStyle($options);
/Format code from file/
print $AS->loadFile("test.php") ."\n";
/Format code from string/
print $AS->loadString("<?php\nprint 'hi';\n") ."\n";
Class Methods
| Method | Goal |
| ------------------------- | ------------- |
| setOptions($options) | Change formatter options... |
| loadFile($fileName) | Auto Style, format a file and display output... |
| loadString($codeString) | Auto Style, format a string code and display output... |
/inline comment/
for ($v = 7;$v <= 100 / 10;$v++) {
$b = $v;
$x = [];
for ($i = 1;$i <= $v;$i++) {
$x[] = $i;
for ($k = 3;$k <= ((floor($v - 1) / 2) + 1);$k++) {
$r = $k;
solve($x, $v, $b, $k, $r);
/inline comment/
for($v=7;$v<=100/10;$v++) {
for($i=1;$i<=$v;$i++) {
for($k=3;$k<=((floor($v-1)/2)+1);$k++) {
/inline comment/
for ($v = 7;$v <= 100 / 10;$v++) { $b = $v; $x = []; for ($i = 1;$i <= $v;$i++) {$x[] = $i;
for ($k = 3;$k <= ((floor($v - 1) / 2) + 1);$k++) { $r = $k;
solve($x, $v, $b, $k, $r); } }
$str="hello world!";
/inline comment/
for($v = 7;$v <= 100 / 10;$v++) {
for($i = 1;$i <= $v;$i++) {
for($k = 3;$k <= ((floor($v - 1) / 2) + 1);$k++) {
solve($x, $v, $b, $k, $r);
$str="hello world!";
Partnership and development
Please send issue or pull request if you found a bug or problem.
Feel free to discuss or send pull...
PHPBeautifier is licensed under the GNU General Public License.