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File: htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/onupdate.php

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  Classes of Michael Beck   Xoops 2.5   htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/onupdate.php   Download  
File: htdocs/xoops_lib/modules/protector/onupdate.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Xoops 2.5
Modular content management publication system
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 5,642 bytes


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// start hack by Trabis
if (!class_exists('ProtectorRegistry')) {
'Registry not found');

$registry = ProtectorRegistry::getInstance();
$mydirname = $registry->getEntry('mydirname');
$mydirpath = $registry->getEntry('mydirpath');
$language = $registry->getEntry('language');
// end hack by Trabis

eval(' function xoops_module_update_' . $mydirname . '( $module ) { return protector_onupdate_base( $module , "' . $mydirname . '" ) ; } ');

if (!
function_exists('protector_onupdate_base')) {

     * @param $module
     * @param $mydirname
     * @return bool
function protector_onupdate_base($module, $mydirname)
// transations on module update

global $msgs; // TODO :-D

        // for Cube 2.1
if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) {
$root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
$root->mDelegateManager->add('Legacy.Admin.Event.ModuleUpdate.' . ucfirst($mydirname) . '.Success', 'protector_message_append_onupdate');
$msgs = array();
        } else {
            if (!
is_array($msgs)) {
$msgs = array();

$db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
$mid = $module->getVar('mid');

// TABLES (write here ALTER TABLE etc. if necessary)

        // configs (Though I know it is not a recommended way...)
$check_sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $db->prefix('config') . " LIKE 'conf_title'";
        if ((
$result = $db->query($check_sql)) && ($myrow = $db->fetchArray($result)) && @$myrow['Type'] === 'varchar(30)') {
$db->queryF('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->prefix('config') . " MODIFY `conf_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', MODIFY `conf_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
$create_string) = $db->fetchRow($db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $db->prefix('config')));
        foreach (
explode('KEY', $create_string) as $line) {
            if (
preg_match('/(\`conf\_title_\d+\`) \(\`conf\_title\`\)/', $line, $regs)) {
$db->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->prefix('config') . ' DROP KEY ' . $regs[1]);
$db->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->prefix('config') . ' ADD KEY `conf_title` (`conf_title`)');

// 2.x -> 3.0
list(, $create_string) = $db->fetchRow($db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_log')));
        if (
preg_match('/timestamp\(/i', $create_string)) {
$db->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $db->prefix($mydirname . '_log') . ' MODIFY `timestamp` DATETIME');

// TEMPLATES (all templates have been already removed by modulesadmin)
$tplfile_handler = xoops_getHandler('tplfile');
$tpl_path = __DIR__ . '/templates';
        if (
$handler = @opendir($tpl_path . '/')) {
            while ((
$file = readdir($handler)) !== false) {
                if (
substr($file, 0, 1) === '.') {
$file_path = $tpl_path . '/' . $file;
                if (
is_file($file_path) && in_array(strrchr($file, '.'), array('.html', '.css', '.js'))) {
$mtime = (int)(@filemtime($file_path));
$tplfile = $tplfile_handler->create();
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_source', file_get_contents($file_path), true);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_refid', $mid);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_tplset', 'default');
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_file', $mydirname . '_' . $file);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_desc', '', true);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_module', $mydirname);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastmodified', $mtime);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastimported', 0);
$tplfile->setVar('tpl_type', 'module');
                    if (!
$tplfile_handler->insert($tplfile)) {
$msgs[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Could not insert template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> to the database.</span>';
                    } else {
$tplid = $tplfile->getVar('tpl_id');
$msgs[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> added to the database. (ID: <b>' . $tplid . '</b>)';
// generate compiled file
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsblock.php';
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
                        if (!
xoops_template_touch($tplid)) {
$msgs[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Failed compiling template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b>.</span>';
                        } else {
$msgs[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> compiled.</span>';
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsblock.php';
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';


     * @param $module_obj
     * @param $log
function protector_message_append_onupdate(&$module_obj, &$log)
        if (
is_array(@$GLOBALS['msgs'])) {
            foreach (
$GLOBALS['msgs'] as $message) {

// use mLog->addWarning() or mLog->addError() if necessary