* XOOPS control panel functions
* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
* of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
* which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* @copyright (c) 2000-2016 XOOPS Project (www.xoops.org)
* @license GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
* @package kernel
* @since 2.0.0
* CP Header
function xoops_cp_header()
xoops_load('cpanel', 'system');
$cpanel = XoopsSystemCpanel::getInstance();
* CP Footer
function xoops_cp_footer()
xoops_load('cpanel', 'system');
$cpanel = XoopsSystemCpanel::getInstance();
* Open Table: DO NOT USE
* We need these because theme files will not be included
function openTable()
echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='8' style='border: 2px solid #2F5376;'><tr class='bg4'><td valign='top'>\n";
* Cloe Table : NO NOT USE
function closeTable()
echo '</td></tr></table>';
* Enclose Items in a table : DO NOT USE
* @param string $title
* @param string $content
function themecenterposts($title, $content)
echo '<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="98%" class="outer"><tr><td class="head">' . $title . '</td></tr><tr><td><br>' . $content . '<br></td></tr></table>';
* Text Form : DO NOT USE
* @param unknown_type $url
* @param unknown_type $value
* @return unknown
function myTextForm($url, $value)
return '<form action="' . $url . '" method="post"><input type="submit" value="' . $value . '" /></form>';
* Enter description here...
* @return unknown
function xoopsfwrite()
return false;
} else {
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->checkReferer()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Xoops Module Menu
* @deprecated
* @return unknown
function xoops_module_get_admin_menu()
$GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->addDeprecated(__FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated, should not be used any longer');
* Based on:
* - PHP Layers Menu 1.0.7(c)2001,2002 Marco Pratesi <[email protected]>
* - TreeMenu 1.1 - Bjorge Dijkstra <[email protected]>
* - php code Optimized by DuGris
$left = 105;
$top = 135;
$js = '';
$moveLayers = '';
$shutdown = '';
$firstleveltable = '';
$menu_layers = '';
/* @var XoopsModuleHandler $module_handler */
$module_handler = xoops_getHandler('module');
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
$criteria->add(new Criteria('hasadmin', 1));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1));
$mods = $module_handler->getObjects($criteria);
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
$mid = $mod->getVar('mid');
$module_name = $mod->getVar('name');
$module_url = "\".XOOPS_URL.\"/modules/" . $mod->getVar('dirname') . '/' . trim($mod->getInfo('adminindex'));
$module_img = "<img class='admin_layer_img' src='\".XOOPS_URL.\"/modules/" . $mod->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $mod->getInfo('image') . "' alt='' />";
$module_desc = "<strong>\"._VERSION.\":</strong> " . round($mod->getVar('version') / 100, 2) . "<br><strong>\"._DESCRIPTION.\":</strong> " . $mod->getInfo('description');
$top += 15;
$js .= "\nfunction popUpL" . $mid . "() {\n shutdown();\n popUp('L" . $mid . "',true);}";
$moveLayers .= "\n setleft('L" . $mid . "'," . $left . ");\n settop('L" . $mid . "'," . $top . ');';
$shutdown .= "\n popUp('L" . $mid . "',false);";
$firstleveltable .= "$" . 'xoops_admin_menu_ft[' . $mid . "] = \"<a href='" . $module_url . "' title='" . $module_name . "' onmouseover='moveLayerY(\\\"L" . $mid . "\\\", currentY, event) ; popUpL" . $mid . "(); ' >" . $module_img . "</a><br>\";\n";
$menu_layers .= "\n<div id='L" . $mid . "' style='position: absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index:1000;' >\n<table class='admin_layer' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n<tr><th nowrap='nowrap'>" . $module_name . "</th></tr>\n<tr><td class='even' nowrap='nowrap'>";
$adminmenu = $mod->getAdminMenu();
if ($mod->getVar('hasnotification') || ($mod->getInfo('config') && is_array($mod->getInfo('config'))) || ($mod->getInfo('comments') && is_array($mod->getInfo('comments')))) {
$adminmenu[] = array(
'link' => '".XOOPS_URL."/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences&op=showmod&mod=' . $mid,
'title' => _PREFERENCES,
'absolute' => true);
if (count($adminmenu) != 0) {
$currenttarget = '';
foreach ($adminmenu as $menuitem) {
$menu_link = trim($menuitem['link']);
$menu_title = trim($menuitem['title']);
$menu_target = isset($menuitem['target']) ? " target='" . trim($menuitem['target']) . "'" : '';
if (isset($menuitem['absolute']) && $menuitem['absolute']) {
$menu_link = empty($menu_link) ? '#' : $menu_link;
} else {
$menu_link = empty($menu_link) ? '#' : "\".XOOPS_URL.\"/modules/" . $mod->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $menu_link;
$menu_layers .= "\n<img src='\".XOOPS_URL.\"/images/pointer.gif' width='8' height='8' alt='' /> <a href='" . $menu_link . "'" . $menu_target . " onmouseover='popUpL" . $mid . "' >" . $menu_title . "</a><br>\n";
$menu_layers .= "\n<div style='margin-top: 5px; font-size: smaller; text-align: right;'><a href='#' onmouseover='shutdown();'>[" . _CLOSE . "]</a></div></td></tr><tr><th style='font-size: smaller; text-align: left;'>" . $module_img . '<br>' . $module_desc . "</th></tr></table></div>\n";
$menu_layers .= "\n<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n<!--\nmoveLayers();\nloaded = 1;\n// -->\n</script>\n";
$content = '<' . "?php\n";
$content .= "\$xoops_admin_menu_js = \"" . $js . "\n\";\n\n";
$content .= "\$xoops_admin_menu_ml = \"" . $moveLayers . "\n\";\n\n";
$content .= "\$xoops_admin_menu_sd = \"" . $shutdown . "\n\";\n\n";
$content .= $firstleveltable . "\n";
$content .= "\$xoops_admin_menu_dv = \"" . $menu_layers . "\";\n";
$content .= "\n?" . '>';
return $content;
* Xoops Module Write Admin Menu
* @param string $content
* @return bool
function xoops_module_write_admin_menu($content)
$GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->addDeprecated(__FUNCTION__ . ' is deprecated, should not be used any longer');
if (!xoopsfwrite()) {
return false;
$filename = XOOPS_CACHE_PATH . '/adminmenu.php';
if (!$file = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
echo 'failed open file';
return false;
if (fwrite($file, $content) == -1) {
echo 'failed write file';
return false;
// write index.html file in cache folder
// file is delete after clear_cache (smarty)
return true;
* Xoops Write Index File
* @param string $path
* @return bool
function xoops_write_index_file($path = '')
if (empty($path)) {
return false;
if (!xoopsfwrite()) {
return false;
$path = substr($path, -1) === '/' ? substr($path, 0, -1) : $path;
$filename = $path . '/index.html';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
return true;
if (!$file = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
echo 'failed open file';
return false;
if (fwrite($file, '<script>history.go(-1);</script>') == -1) {
echo 'failed write file';
return false;
return true;