2. How to Use the PHP Google Contacts API Package to Retrieve, Change and Delete Contacts
Updated on: 2023-08-30
Posted on: 2023-08-30
This PHP Google Contacts API Package allows to access the Google API to have access to people resources like contacts and contact groups without depending on any other library because it only uses the PHP cURL extension.
Read this short tutorial to learn how to use this package to retrieve, change, or delete contacts of a given user with a Google account.
This package can be installed traditionally by downloading the package files from the package download tab or using the modern form, using the PHP Composer tool by following the instructions in the package page download tab.
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Read this short tutorial to learn how to use this package to retrieve, change, or delete contacts of a given user with a Google account.
This package can be installed traditionally by downloading the package files from the package download tab or using the modern form, using the PHP Composer tool by following the instructions in the package page download tab.

1. How Can PHP Send Email to Gmail Users that Are in the Contacts of a Given Gmail User with His Permission
Updated on: 2023-04-28
Posted on: 2023-04-28
Many people that access the Internet have Google accounts to access Google products like, for instance, Gmail.
Gmail users have a contact list to make sending emails to others they have exchanged messages easily. These contacts are accessible using the Google People API.
This package can access the Google People API to perform operations with a user's contacts with a Google account.
This way, this package makes it easier to implement applications that can make good use of the access to a person's contacts with a Google account, for instance, sending invitations to social networks to people in their contact list.
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Gmail users have a contact list to make sending emails to others they have exchanged messages easily. These contacts are accessible using the Google People API.
This package can access the Google People API to perform operations with a user's contacts with a Google account.
This way, this package makes it easier to implement applications that can make good use of the access to a person's contacts with a Google account, for instance, sending invitations to social networks to people in their contact list.