2. How to Improve WordPress Security by Issuing HTTP Headers that Can Be Used to Prevent Common Exploits
Nowadays there are several HTTP headers that can be used to protect better Web applications and their users against harm that could be caused by certain types of security attacks.
This class can be used to send those HTTP headers in a WordPress applications. It makes it easier to develop more secure WordPress based sites and plugins.
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This class can be used to send those HTTP headers in a WordPress applications. It makes it easier to develop more secure WordPress based sites and plugins.

1. How to Implement a WordPress Security Headers Plugin to Protect You WordPress Instalation
The current Web standards define several means to help preventing security vulnerabilities that cause harm to Web site users.
Some of those means include using specific HTTP headers as part of the response of Web servers to browsers that access the Web sites.
Read this article to learn how you can improve the security of Web sites that use WordPress by creating your own plugins that send those HTTP headers meant to protect your Web site users against security exploits.
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Some of those means include using specific HTTP headers as part of the response of Web servers to browsers that access the Web sites.
Read this article to learn how you can improve the security of Web sites that use WordPress by creating your own plugins that send those HTTP headers meant to protect your Web site users against security exploits.